Dechrau canu dechrau canmol
Dechreu canu dechreu canmol

(Digrifwch tragwyddol)
1,2,3,4;  1,(2,3),5.
Dechreu canu, dechreu canmol -
  Ym mhen mil o filoedd maith -
Iesu, bydd y pererinion
  Hyfryd draw ar ben eu taith;
    Ni cheir diwedd
  Byth ar sŵn y delyn aur.

Melus fydd y fwyn gyfeillach
  Yn y pur ogoniant maith,
Melus fydd
      cydganu'r anthem
  O'r un ysbryd
        o'r un iaith;
    Melus meddwl
  Na fydd raid ymadael mwy.

Yno caf fi ddweud yr hanes
  Sut y dringodd eiddil, gwan
Drwy afonydd a thros greigiau
  Dyrys, anial, serth i'r lan;
    Iesu ei hunan
  Gaiff y clod
      drwy eitha'r nef.

Ni bydd yno gofio beiau,
  Dim ond llawn faddeuant rhad;
Cofio'r groes,
      a grym y cariad,
  A rhinweddau maith y gwaed;
    Darfu ofni,
  Daeth llawenydd yn ei le.

Nid oes yno ddiwedd canu,
  Nid oes yno ddiwedd clod,
Nid oes yno ddiwedd cofio
  Pob cystuddiau a fu'n bod;
    Byth ni dderfydd
  Canmol Duw yn nhŷ fy Nhad.

- - - - -
Dechreu canu, dechreu canmol Yn mhen myrdd o oesoedd maith Y bydd pawb o'r gwaredigion 'R ochor draw ar ben eu taith; Ni bydd diwedd, Byth ar sŵn y delyn aur. Ni bydd yno dywallt dagrau: Hyn fydd gwaith yr hyfryd wlad, Cofio'r groes, a grym y cariad, A chlodfori am y gwaed: Byth ni threulia, Tynion dannau'r delyn aur!
- - - - -
Dechreu canu, dechreu canmol, Yn mhen mil o filoedd maith, Iesu bydd y gwaredigion Hyfryd draw ar ben eu taith; Ni bydd diwedd, Byth ar swn y delyn aur. Bydd ein croesau wedi darfod Draw ar fryniau'r nefol dir; Pan gawn weled ei ogoniant Ar ei orsedd ddisglaer bur; Ni bydd diwedd, Byth ar swn y delyn aur. Dewch at Iesu, dewch yr awr'on, Mae yn galw arnoch chwi, I ymuno gyda'r dyrfa Sydd yn canu'r anthem fry; Ni bydd diwedd, Byth ar swn y delyn aur.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [878747]:
Aberteifi (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
Agathe (Carl M von Weber 1786-1826)
Caersalem (Robert Edwards 1796-1862)
Hyder (Richard Ellis 1775-1855)
Islwyn (David Lewis 1828-1908)
Peniel (alaw Gymreig)
Y delyn aur (alaw Gymreig)

  Enaid egwan paid ag ofni
  Gwaed y groes sy'n codi i fyny
  Nid oes gofid na therfysgoedd
  Nid oes yno gofio beiau
  Rwy'n dy garu er nas gwelais
  Rhwng cymylau duon tywyll
  Trwy y niwl a'r tew gymylau
  Tyred hyfryd foreu tawel
  Wele'n dyfod ar y cwmwl (Mawr yw'r enw ...)

(Eternal delight)
Singing starts, extolling starts
  After a thousand vast thousands
Jesus, the pilgrims will be
  Pleasant yonder at their journey's end;
    There will be no end
  Ever to the sound of the golden harp.

Sweet will be the gentle friendship
  In the pure, vast glory,
Sweet it will be to
      sing together the anthem
  From the one spirit
        from the one language;
    Sweet to think
  There will be no need to leave again.

There I may tell the story
  How he climbed, feeble, weak,
Through rivers, and over the rocks
  Tricky, wild and steep to the goal;
    Jesus himself
  Will have the praise
      through the highest heaven.

No remembering faults shall be there,
  Only full, gracious forgiveness;
Remembering the cross,
    and the force of the love,
  And the vast merits of the blood;
      The vanishing of fearing,
  Joy came in its place.

There is there no end to singing,
  There is there no end to praise,
There is there no end to remembering
  All the afflictions which have been;
    Never will end
  The extolling of God in my Father's house.

- - - - -
Singing starts, extolling starts After a myriad of vast ages All of the delivered will be On the far side at their journey's end; There will be no end Ever to the sound of the golden harp. There will be no shedding of tears: This will be the work of the delightful land, Remembering the cross, and the power of the love, And offering praise for the blood: Never wear out, will The taut strings of the golden harp!
- - - - -
Singing starts, extolling starts, After a thousand of vast thousands, Jesus shall be of the delivered ones Delightful yonder at their journey's end; There shall be no end, Ever to the sound of the golden harp. Our cross shall have vanished Yonder on the hills of the heavenly land; When we get to see his glory On his pure, shining throne; There shall be no end, Every to the sound of the golden harp. Come ye to Jesus, come ye this hour, He is calling upon you, To join with the throng Who are singing the anthem above; There shall be no end, Ever to the sound of the golden harp.
tr. 2008,16 Richard B Gillion
(Endless Praise)
But begun will be the singing
  Unto Jesus round His throne,
By the saved when tardy ages
  With their songs and joys are flown:
    And for ever,
  Shall the golden harps resound.

There shall I rehearse the story,
  How a weakling faint and worn,
Was o'er rocks and through deep waters,
  To eternal glory borne:
    Jesus wholly,
  Shall absorb
      the songs of heaven.

- - - - -
But begun will be the singing Unto Jesus round His throne, By the saved when tardy ages With their songs and joys are flown: And for ever, Shall the golden harps resound.
tr. 1854 Joseph Morris
- - - - -
When ten thousand thousand ages Will have pass'd, then shall praise Him They who sing and swell his glory In harmonious, joyful hymn, And forever, &c, They will play the golden harp. All the sorrows shall have finished, Pain shall be forever gone, When we shall enjoy his glory On the white and heavenly throne, And forever, &c, We will play the golden harp. Come to Jesus, He will make you Ready for that song of love; He from sin and pain will take you To the happy world above; And forever, &c, You shall play the golden harp.
tr. Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884

Tune [878747]: Y delyn aur (alaw Gymreig)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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